Monday, December 3, 2007

The shoes from Friday are STILL wet.


Plumsauce10 said...

why does everyone come up with all the really good ideas and so I can't do them coz it'll be copying yet everything else I think of just doesn't sound nearly as good!!

Anna said...

Very funny, made me laugh loads...and u were mentioned, not by name, didnt wanna embaras u, coz i maybe well stupid but also am well nice...its like buy one get one free :-) (sorry, having a very funny day again)

Anonymous said...

My shoes were hard after being on the radiator over the night - not so comfortable in the beginning...

Like this blog!

Plumsauce10 said...

and we're on the fifth day and john has failed already.

Mitchenstein said...

Oh Lisa, Lisa, Lisa.

Ye of little faith!

I probably won't get to publish the pictures every day, but I'm still taking one a day - I've done a week now!

Just 51 to go...